My business partner, Stryder Wegener and I were lucky enough to be asked on to the Jackie and Bender show to participate in their segment. As you might expect, this segment was Ask a Criminal Defense Lawyer.
We were happy to participate.
The segment is about 20 minutes long, and it’s important that you listen to the end. There is an opportunity for you to win something I guarantee you want. Here’s a hint. It involves the best football team in the NFL right now.
If you’d rather listen to audio, you can download the podcast (coming soon). Enjoy!
01:15 The morality of being a criminal defense lawyer.
03:40 What do we do when we know someone is guilty?
05:30 Jackie’s experience with the law.
05:50 What we’d do if we were Amanda Knox’s criminal lawyer.
08:00 Have we ever won someone’s case we knew was guilty?
09:00 How do we help when the person is caught red-handed?
10:12 Has anyone ever been pissed off because we’ve done our job well?
12:10 How does your opposition feel about you?
12:45 Is Law and Order like real life?
13:49 Do we watch other great criminal lawyers for tips?
15:12 Can you fight someone legally if you both agree to it?
16:15 If you’re drunk but agree to fight, does that matter?
17:10 Is Stryder Wegener really your name?
When you’re done watching the video if you have any more questions call us to talk. We’re here to help.
Want to talk to a criminal defense lawyer right now? Call (206) 973-0407 or contact us today.
Stryder J. Wegener is the managing partner and owner of Emerald City Law Group, a full-service law firm in Seattle.
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